How can a bully magnet turn into a bully
buster in the end?
Jake was a perfect bully magnet because he was smart and not a tattletale. Besides, he had no big brother to protect him from bullying.
Things got worse when his teacher assigned him to be Link Baxter's partner of a Thanksgiving project.
With his wit and courage, Jake was able to turn himself from Jake Drake, Bully Magnet, to Jake Drake, Bully Buster.
(*tattletale:One who tattles on others; an informer or talebearer.)
這本書是從一個從小就被欺凌的男孩Jake Drake的角度來看霸凌,很值得做為探討霸凌事件的教材。書中道出被欺凌的小孩雖然無奈,但卻能靠自己的智慧找出求生之道。
1. If everybody who works at school is so smart, how come they can't rid of the bullies? How come when it comes to bullies, kids are mostly on their own?
2. Maybe a bully stops being a bully if there aren't some other kids around to watch. I though he's only a SuperBully when he has an audience.
3. lf there's no one to bully, a bully isn't a bully, right?
4. Back behind those mean eyes and that bully-face, there's another face. A real face. And if I keep looking for that real face, I see it. And the bully sees me see it.
Jake Drake看到了凌霸心中的問題和不安,當他試圖去了解凌霸,找出因應的方式,也幫助自己從bully-magnet變成bully buster。
Creating a Bullying-free Classroom