2015年7月2日 星期四



TED_541_Cooking as alchemy 
TED_542_The power of simple words 
TED_543_The world becomes what you teach 
TED_544_This app knows how you feel-from the look on your face 
TED_545_Why it’s time to forget the pecking order at work 
TED_546_The forgotten history of autism 
TED_547_A visual history of inequality in industrial America 
TED_548_Debunking the myths of OCD 
TED_549_Body language, the power is in the palm of your hands 
TED_550_How do cancer cells behave differently from healthy ones? 
TED_551_Confession of a bad feminism 
TED_552_The art of first impressions-in design and life 
TED_553_What’s the big deal with gluten? 
TED_554_What do we do when antibiotics don’t work any more? 
TED_555_Cell vs. virus: A battle for health 
TED_556_How I’m preparing to get Alzheimer’s 
TED_557_What you didn’t know about coffee 
TED_558_The surprising thing I learned sailing solo around the world 
TED_559_Why I believe the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights abuse 
TED_560_The amazing story of the man who gave up modern pain relief 

詹麗馨的TED摘記_541_560 PDF檔

