Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel 
超愛看Diary of a Wimpy Kid系列的書,
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel,
Valentine's Day另類的、有趣的讀本,
Greg Heffley的Valentine's Day dance的境遇,
The Third Wheel的含意了。
本書真是Greg Heffley中學生活的另一爆笑記錄,
又是一本文字幽默,道地英語,趣味十足的書。 在閱讀時,心中想著,國中學子,看這本書學英文 ,將多有趣!
1. ...Manny got freaked out up there, though, and he was
too scared
to come down on his own. (p.36)
2. ...The moving van
was filled with boxes of T-shirts,
which we
spent the rest of the morning
loading into our garage. (p.48)
3. But when Rowley didn't come back right away I started to wonder what
had happened. (p.75)
4. As far as I know, Ruby is
the only girl
who has ever been suspended from our school, and that was ... (p.59)
5. ...we'll all be laughing about how I
used to babysit my brother-in-law, when I was in middle school. (p.147)
6. I asked Rowley
why he still had a booster seat in his dad's car, and he said
they just never took it out once he got big
enough for the regular seat. (p.169)
1. I yelled into the bottom to make sure
the coast was clear, but kids ignored me and came sliding down anyway. (p.38)
2. So I sent Rowley down to Scotty's house to get him to
cough it
up. (p.74)
3. I went down to Scotty's house myself to investigate, and I
caught Rowley
red-handed playing my video game with Scotty. (p.75)
4. Tuesday was the first day kids were allowed to bring in their own toilet paper, and I think some people
went a little
overboard. (p.94)
5. So now I'm
keeping my fingers crossed that nothing will happen between now and Saturday night to screw things up. (p.161)
6. Anyway, I know that NOW, but anyone
in my shoes probably would've reacted the same exact way I did. (p.213)
1. I hit the
hash key on the phone, so I could delete my message and start over. (p.125)
2. I got up and found our waitress to tell her it was Rowley's birthday, becasue I knew then he'd get a free dessert. So a few minutes
later the waiters and waitresses all came out and sang "Happy Birthday" to Rowley and gave him his free cake. (p.190)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel,
Greg Heffley一家人有了更深入的刻劃,
Uncle Gary,
讓Greg對Valentine's Day dance多了嘗試,