每回閱讀Reader's Digest,總不願意錯過任何一篇文章。更確實的說,不錯過任何文字,包含編輯的話、讀者迴響、廣告、圖片說明等等。因為實在喜歡Reader's Digest的文字風格及選文,除了增進閱讀的能力,更能從一則則引發人深思、觸動人心的文章,讓人有更開濶的心胸與更廣闊的視野。
本期Reader's Digest中我最喜歡的文章:
- 1. The Medicine Maker:
Krisana Kraisintu has fought tirelessly to get her generic AIDS and malaria drugs to the people who need them most.
一個醫學能救人的真實故事。Krisana Kraisintu以"If you have the opportunity
to do good, you should."信念努力研發救人醫藥行善。Krisana Kraisintu不畏權威,為了病人的權益,"If I feel something is not fair, I have to fight."。 Krisana Kraisintu著實令人佩服。
- 2. Monkey Do:
When she's not sneaking the peanut butter, this highly trained capuchin is the best caretaker a guy could have.