會想看Miss Potter: The Novel只因為對Peter Rabbit的一份好奇與好感,但閱讀之中卻有許多的領受與感動。
- 1. 我喜歡Beatrix Potter那股熱愛創作的勁和投入:
"When I see a beautiful object, I am overcome by a desire to copy it. Sometimes I ask myself, "Why can't you be content to look at it?" But I cannot rest. I must draw."
- 2. Beatrix Potter是個充滿好奇與能欣賞美的人。在書中她指著她的sketchbook對著William Heelis (her future husband)說:
"I am collecting Wonders. And putting them down in my book."
- 3. Beatrix Potter富想像力,腦中常呈現圖像,將生活中觀察到人生百態一一描繪在她的動物世界裡。常常她信手拈來,就是一個新的動物角色,相對應的verse,她源源不絕的靈感讓她的創作獨特又吸引人。
- 4. 其實這本書中有許多部分在描述Beatrix Potter所置身的社會,講究排場和身份,這和Beatrix Potter的本性格格不入,因此她其實是lonely。但創作因為需要專注,有時候loneliness是必要的。Beatrix Potter在書中曾對密友Millie 說過:
"Being unmarried. We're free. Free of the burdens that drag down other women. Free to pursue our independent spirits and our creativity."
但是Beatrix Potter最終仍是找到她的true love。而根據書後語:
Beatrix Potter published only a few additional stories after her marriage。
這本書仍有許多耐人尋味的地方,Beatrix Potter和她的出版商 (A trademan!)短暫的邂逅與分離對她的心境和創作產生巨大的影響。但我最感興趣的仍是她創作的過程與出書的喜悅,這也是這本書中著墨比較深刻而動人的部分。