2015年4月14日 星期二



TED_461_The price of shame 
TED_462_Everyone around you has a story the world needs to hear 
TED_463_A tale of two Americas. And the mini-mart where they collide 
TED_464_How to revive a neighborhood: with imagination, beauty, and art 
TED_465_Should you trust your first impression? 
TED_466_Life is your talents discovered 
TED_467_Why do ambitious women have flat heads? 
TED_468_How I use sonar to navigate the world 
TED_469_What the people of the Amazon know that you don’t 
TED_470_The day I stood up alone 
TED_471_The next outbreak? We’re not ready 
TED_472_His and hers…healthcare 
TED_473_A song inspired by the ocean 
TED_474_Five ways to kill your dreams 
TED_475_Did Shakespeare write his plays? 
TED_476_ How equal do we want the world to be? You'd be surprised 
TED_477_Mapping ideas worth spreading 
TED_478_My desperate journey with a human smuggler 
TED_479_How societies can grow old better 
TED_480_Can robots be creative? 

