人生要更美好, 改變, 是必要的歷程。 捆綁的心, 要解開束縛, 心, 要得自由。 作者的話點出我們的問題所在: But remember, it’s not what happened to you but what’s happening in you that matters the most. 很多困難, 癥結不在於發生的事件, 而在於我們的內心狀態。 我們對事件的看法, 我們對事件的回應, 我們對情緒的管理, 都決定了事件對我們衝擊的強度。 我也曾經歷生命的低潮, 也曾經承受人生的考驗, 但當我明白, 改變來自內心, 我已漸漸釋放肩頭重負, 心中, 看到的世界, 越來越美。 生命,改變, 天空,廣濶, 心中,有愛, 人生,最美。
曾聽到一些人, 回顧過往, 他們會希望自己曾多花點時間和家人相處, 和家人有多一點互動, 家庭多一點和樂, 也希望曾給予生命中一些重要的人, 更多的關懷和關注, 也能減少一點人際間的碰撞和磨擦。 其實, 我們和別人的關係, 也反映了我們內心。 偏狹的心, 自大的心, 受傷的心, 失望的心, 自私的心, 都會造成我們和別人的關係,緊繃,焦慮。 The Knight in Rusty Armor (為自己出征), 點出關鍵之處: *You can love others only to the extent that you love yourself. (先照顧好自己的心) *Truth is love. (愛自己,才能給予別人滿滿的愛) 人際互動,可以改善,人生歷程,可以豐實。 書中蘋果樹的例子,可以讓我們有所啟發、改變。 Here’s where we can learn from this apple tree. It has become handsome and fully mature, bearing fine fruit which it gives freely to all. The more apples that people pick, the more the tree grows and the more beautiful it becomes. This tree is doing exactly what apple trees are meant to do – fulfilling its potential to the benefit of all…
一般家庭中使用的食用油, 若是直接倒入水管, 常會引起堵塞, 也造成環境的污染, 進而造成污水處理系統的堵塞, 而引起水災。 不要丟棄, 有更聰明的廢油處理方式, 收集, 並將之再製為biodiesel (生物柴油)。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biodiesel 生物柴油有別於一般由石油提煉的柴油, 它比較乾淨, 也更環保。 回收家中廢油,有四招: 1. Let it cool down to room temperature. 2. Transfer it to a clean container. 3. Use a funnel to avoid spills and a sieve to filter out any small food particles. 4. Take the container to recycling services that will pick up large amounts of grease. 再由工廠製成生物柴油。 Recycling used cooking grease turns goop into good. 可做為飛機燃料, 對環境的保護, 真是一舉數得。
我們快樂嗎? 我們常關懷大笑嗎? 我們會覺得這一生有其意義和價值嗎? 人生, 如何智慧過生活? Barry Kerzin 分享四個面向。 1. Humor *Humor is very, very powerful in helping us to feel well. *humor is something very, very valuable, and helps us feel more relaxed and feel -- on a deeper level -- happy. 2. Love and compassion *...concern for others, kindness, is our reason for being here. That brings meaning in our lives. It makes us feel meaningful, it makes us feel valuable, and it makes us feel happy. *Active listening is one very important form of love and compassion. *taking care of ourselves by taking care of others. * All kinds of generosity... 3. Meditation *In general, meditation can help us come back and find our center. It can balance us. * When we're in the present moment, we feel nourished. We feel refreshed. We feel well. 4. Wisdom *Mind the gap. *This gap is between what we see, what we hear, what we think, our appearances to the mind and reality. *When we can begin to relax this tight grip on the ego, to understanding that appearances are not real. The appearance of myself is actually not so real. We begin to relax more. 善用幽默感, 心中有愛, 富憐憫心, 常冥想, 具智慧。 多助人, 多施予, 心平靜, 真實快樂。