Friendly Campus (友善校園)
1. A school is like a big family.
2. Let's get along well.
3. Be compassionate.
4. Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you.
5. Love others and love yourself.
提供給大家參考。1. No More Bullying in School
2. Bully Buster
3. Veggi Tales Short Episode_Bully Trouble
4. No Bullying
5. The Hundred Dresses (一百件洋裝)
6. 點子老師
7. 走出陰霾 被霸凌孩子全校榜首
8. Creating a Bullying-free Classroom
9. " Talented Teen Triumphs": Bullied Boy Wins over Brits with His Angelic Voice
10. Friendly Campus
11. Why Pick on Me?
12. 談新世紀人本教育
13. Pink Shirt Day