The Meaning of Life A video posted by Santé et beauté pour tous Be happy. Show up. Follow your heart. Find a new perspective. Have a sense of wonder. Find people you love. Set goals. Help others. Dance. Pamper yourself. Face your fears. Go to a museum. Exercise. Limit television. Get in touch with nature. Lighten up. Get a good night's sleep. Read books. Buy yourself flowers. Don't compare yourself with others. Don't beat yourself up. Be open to new ideas. Don't focus on negative thoughts. Focus on creating what you desire. Make time just to have fun. Keep the romance in your life. Make a gratitude list. Love your Mother Earth. Want what you have. Be true to yourself.
You can teach a student a lesson for a day, but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. ---Clay P. Bedford.
Week 14: Humor and Laughter (幽默與笑) Week 15: Test Regulations 2 (考試規則2) Week 16: Keeping a Pet (養寵物) Week 17: Improving Your Memory (改善記憶力) Week 18: Growing Up (成長)
In Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth, the fifth book in the hilarious series by author Jeff Kinney, we find out whether Greg Heffley is going to be able to move on with his life, or if he will remain in a state of arrested development forever. ---Jeff Kinney
The Ugly Truth描述八年級的Greg, 他對青春期,又愛又怕,充滿迷惑, 想要了解個中滋味, 也想要尋求同儕的認同, 這個歷程, 讓書中充滿笑點, 也充滿溫馨。 例如, 第172頁中描述Greg看到好友Rowley臉上冒出一粒青春豆, 心中好羨慕, 回家猛照鏡子: When I got home from school today, I checked myself in the mirror to see if anything seemed different. But everything looked exactly the same as it was always does.
Greg的greeat-grandmother Gammie和他的談話, 讓他體悟成長是他的期盼, 但不必操之過急: Gammie told me that most kids my age are in a big rush to grow up but that if I was smart I'd enjoy the ride while it lasts.
事實上, Greg也逐漸明白成長而伴隨來的責任和期待: People like Dad and Uncle Joe have been getting on my case to act more responsible and start getting serious about my future. But the truth is I think I'm more of an Uncle Gary kind of guy. (p.214) (Uncle Gary: Dad's always saying Uncle Gary needs to "grow up" and stop acting like a child. (p.38)
書中的最後, Greg在歷經一連串的"成長"事件後, 他終究了解: I guess I'm just not in a big rush to grow up right now. And, after Gammie showed me what's in store over the next few years (參考p.p.209-210) , I think I'm gonna take her advice and hang on as long as I can. (p.215)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 5 The Ugly Truth 以詼諧的筆調與有趣的情節 點出青少年成長的迷惘, 也'強調了家庭在青少年成長期所扮演的角色。
難忘今年六月在仁愛國中參加的「電子白板」研習, 這次研習, 讓我看見教學的新視窗, 也讓我了解電子白板的可能性。 這一次,我利用電子書中的「遮罩」的功能, 將Theme Words單元中的英文遮起來, 讓學生上台,根據圖片,用英語說出街道中的商店或其他機構,其他同學們跟著覆誦。 若要做延展性的活動, 則可以加入動詞+地點造句: I went to the post office to mail a letter. 以點出該商店或機構的功用。 電子白板的應用, 應是提供視覺媒介, 增加課堂對話, 與語言運用。
Best Friends "We are still friends, aren't we?" "you know we are. For ever."
偶然的機會買到這本書, 一閱讀, 就愛不釋手。 先聽聽作者Jacqueline Wilson對這本書的簡介。 Meeting the Author: Jacqueline Wilson 這一本書的故事很簡單: 兩個個性迥異,自小在一起的小女孩:Gemma &Alice, 天壤地別的差異,並不影響兩人的情誼。 但是當Alice家人決定離開London,前往Scotland居住時, 兩人的世界從此相隔數百哩。 Gemma也因此掉入情緒的低潮, 但她幸運地,有關懷她的家人,讓她在愛中成長, 她最後也能接受新的朋友Biscuits,並對於她和Alice的友誼抱持樂觀的態度。 為
什麼這麼喜歡這一本書: 1. 喜歡Jacqueline Wilson的文字所展現的趣味性,有開心,有失落,也有難忘的時刻。 Jacqueline Wilson很能生動描述兒童快樂而單純的心境: "Gemma!" "Oh Ali, Ali!" I shouted, jumping out of the Mercedes. Then we were hugging each other hard, whirling round and round, laughing and crying at the same time. (p.168) 2. Gemma這個角色著實是個率直的tomboy,書中以第一人稱敘述她自小到現在的糗事, 有歡笑,但也充滿淚水。作者的描述,讓故事生動呈現,也讓讀者很快地融入這個小女孩的世界。 3. 喜歡這本書的插畫。 Nick Sharratt很能掌握文字的內涵,畫的插畫很逗趣, 讓閱讀時, 大大地增加樂趣。 4. 喜歡書中描述Gemma和家人的互動,尤其是和她的祖父之間的感情, 祖孫兩人的感情深, 很溫馨的感覺。
How much can you love someone? 一本告訴你愛要說出來的感人小書。Little Nutbrown Hare: Guess how much I love you. Big Nutbrown Hare: Oh, I don't think I could guess that. 這一問句的前提是: I love you. 但如何才能讓別人了解自己心中的愛? 如何才說出/表明對一個人的愛? 繪本中, Little Nutbrown Hare 試了一些方法來表達:
I love you as high as I can reach. ... I love you all the way up to my toes! ... I love you as high as I can hop! 對於Little Nutbrown Hare的表達, Big Nutbrown Hare一一地回應。 這樣的愛是有互動,有共鳴的。 在國語日報 (林皇德,99.11.06) 看到這樣的句子: 因為包容, 我們擁有更廣闊的天空; 因為了解, 我們才能愛得更加深刻。