A website that extols the beauty of friendship.

The ABC's of Friendship
A is for a friendship that is amazing
B is for a friend who believes in you
C is for a friend who cares about you
D is for a friend who does not judge you
E is for a friend who is excellent
F is for a friend who is fine
G is for a friend who is great
H is for a friend who has a loving heart
I is for a friend who is intelligent
J is for a friend who judges you by their personality
K is for a friend who is kind-hearted
L is for a friend who loves you for who you are
M is for a friend who makes you laugh
N is for a friend who is nice to you
O is for a friend who offers you kindness in a special way
P is for a friend who is perfect
Q is for a friend who has good qualities
R is for a friend who shows you respect
S is for a friend who makes you smile
T is for a friend who tells you some good stories
U is for a friend who is unbelievable
V is for a friend who values you
W is for a friend who is welcomed to your heart
X is for a friend who gives you x's and o's
Z is for a friend who zips your lips when a secret is told