1. 準備材料 : 瓦楞紙、色紙、書面紙、牛奶盒 (或果汁盒) 、剪刀、
膠水、美工刀、尺、筆 。
2. 將使用的牛奶盒 (或果汁盒)清洗乾淨, 裁成下列的形狀,做成船身。
3. 製作龍頭。
4. 將龍頭貼在船身上。
5. 再設計龍尾,完成龍舟的製作。
1. Write down the name of the dragon boat.
The name of the dragon boat is ...
2. Describe the shape of the boat.
It is long/short and wide/narrow.
3. Describe how big the boat is.
It is ... meters long and ... meters wide.
作品學生 The dragon boat is called Flying Dragon.
It is long and wide.
It is seventeen meters and seven meters wide.
This dragon boat is called Seven-color Boat.
It is long and narrow.
It is twenty-four meters long and eight meters wide.
This dragon boat is called Happy Dragon.
It is long and narrow.
It is twenty-four meters long and eight meters wide.
參考資料:Bright Ideas Festivals by Jill BEnnett and Archie Millar