2008年6月14日 星期六

Reader's Digest, March, 2008

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Reader's Digest, March, 2008

本期的Reader's Digest我比較感興趣為以下幾篇文章:

"Cosmetic Surgery Cure or Curse?"從不同面向探討整型美容,並建議應評估整型美容的風險及對個人的益處。可做為參考的兩點:

  • 1. Choose cosmetic surgeons wisely as the majority of botched surgeries cannot be rectified.
  • 2. You should want to look good for yourself and not try to look like somebody else.

"An Unbreakable Bond"則是一則感人的愛情故事。故事的主角Alan Brogan和Irene Kinnair相識於孤兒院,但是被強制拆散。雖然他們不知道對方在天涯海角的何處,一份情延續了四十多年。兩人因為種種巧合再度相遇,已經是四十多年以後。Alan的話很感人:This is the lady I have loved all my life。



"Get a Grip"提到在工作場合減壓的五個妙方:

  • 1. Take breaks throughout the day.
  • 2. Enroll in a noontime or an after-work exercise class.
  • 3. Try pacing your activities.
  • 4. Listen to music while you work to help you relax.
  • 5. Get to work early or stay late once a week.

