Books are treasuries of good words,
the golden thoughts,
which, remembered and cherished,
become our constant companions and comforters.
---Samuel Smiles
It is a useful book to guide students to use a dictionary. It is simple and easy to understand.
The illustrations on the book help a lot, too. There are ten units in the book.
(A dictionary is a word book.)
(There are many kinds of dictionaries. Most dictionaries are similar.)
(To use a dictionary well you will have to know the alphabet very well and know where all the letters are very easily.)
(Make good use of the guide words (引導字)on each page of the dictionary.)
(Dictionaries use certain marks and letters to show a word's pronunciation. You'll have to get the know syllables, accent marks, and how the parts of the words should pronounce.)
(Some words are used to name things, some words are used to show action, some words describe things. You'll have to know whether a word is a noun, a verb, an adjective, or something else. )
(A dictionary gives the information about parts of speech (詞類), singular and plural, and the different forms of w word. It also tells you the different ways in which a word can be used.)
(Use a dictionary to learn the words that you don't understand.)
(Parts of speech drills, punctuation drills, dictionary drills)
Reader's Digest June, 2008我超愛極了!每篇文章我都愛看,真是值得典藏的一期雜誌。
| Reading with Joy 《整合式閱讀測驗》 |
| 《閱讀國中英語2000字彙 必背書》每天一頁。 (70頁-129頁) |
| 完成《康軒英語必學句型》 |
| 9/2,9/3為暑假複習考, 英語科的評量範圍為《康軒國中英語第一、二冊及習作》 |
B. 708學習講座_01 (王沛元學長)
C.708 學習講座_02 (呂昱緯學長)
D. 96學年度下學期第三次段考心得
708 閱讀存款簿活動
1. 8/31前閱讀三十、六十或一百本書,並在老師的部落格發表心得。
2. 閱讀三十、六十及一百本以上的同學,可得到一份超讚的神秘禮物!
B. 每天看報紙 (特別推薦社論及散文)
C. 閱讀《遇見散文---名家精典文四十篇》:
a. 每天閱讀一篇:文章、作者介紹及賞析。
b. 畫佳句並查重要字詞。
c. 做練習並對答。
All the words in the dictionary were made up by people, and that they mean what they mean because we say they do.
Mrs. Granger:...The word pen has a long, rich history. It comes from the Latin word for feather, pinna. It started to become our word pen because quills made from feathers were some of the first writing tools ever made. It's a word that comes from somewhere. It makes sense. Nicholas."
Nick: But frindle makes just as much sense to me. And after all, didn't somebody just make
up the word pinna, too?
College Dictionary裡。
frin.dle n. a device used to write or make marks with ink...
(1) 你最難忘的一件事。
(2) 你最得意的一件事。
(3) 你最需要改進的一件事。
(4) 你有何成長和進步?
(5) 影響你最多的是哪一位同學?
(6) 說說你這一學期以來閱讀的心得。
(7) 708這一學期有何成長和進步?
(8) 每日晨讀英的感想。
(9) 每日讀經的領悟。寫些感謝讀經小老師的話。
(10) 哪一位幹部最值得嘉許?為什麼?
(11) 你會給七年級的學弟妹哪些建議?請至少提出五個建議。
(12) 你對八年級有何期許?
Of course children benefit from positive feedback. But praise and rewards are not the only methods of reinforcement. More emphasis should be place on appreciation-reinforcement related explicitly and directly to the content of the child's interest and efforts.
---Lilian G. Katz
本期的Reader's Digest我比較感興趣為以下幾篇文章:
"Cosmetic Surgery Cure or Curse?"從不同面向探討整型美容,並建議應評估整型美容的風險及對個人的益處。可做為參考的兩點:
"An Unbreakable Bond"則是一則感人的愛情故事。故事的主角Alan Brogan和Irene Kinnair相識於孤兒院,但是被強制拆散。雖然他們不知道對方在天涯海角的何處,一份情延續了四十多年。兩人因為種種巧合再度相遇,已經是四十多年以後。Alan的話很感人:This is the lady I have loved all my life。
"Get a Grip"提到在工作場合減壓的五個妙方:
這本書是美國女詩人及劇作家Maya Angelou的多本自傳之一。本書的書名I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings源自於Paul Laurence Dunbar的"Sympathy":
I know why the caged bird sings, ah me,
When his wing is bruised and his bosom sore,-
When he beats his bars and he would be free;
It is not a carol of joy or glee,
But a prayer that he sends from his heart's deep core,
But a plea, that upward to Heaven he flings -
I know why the caged bird sings!
閱讀這本書深刻體會1930年代美國黑人所處的處境和無奈。Maya Angelou這樣描述自己艱辛的成長歷程:
1. If growing up is painful for the Southern Black girl, being aware of her displacement is the rust on the razor that threatens the throat.
2. Our lives were fated to be different from everyone else's in the world.
在困難的處境下,書中的多位女性例如Maya的祖母、Mrs. Flowers (一位高貴的黑人婦女)及Maya的母親適時地接納Maya並改變了她生命的歷程。
印象最深刻是Maya描述她最喜愛的中學老師Miss Kirwin:
另外書中第100頁Miss Flowers為Maya朗讀A Tale of Two Cities的文字相當迷人:
Her voice slid in and curved down through and over the words. She was nearly singing....
True wisdom is not in a place
not in a teacher
not in a book
True wisdom is in your heart
your heart knows the truth in any wisdom you hear
True wisdom is in your soul
Flows throu your very being
when you read a book and reconise wisdom with a feeling of joy and light.
that is your soul saying Remember you already know this.