If I spend every moment, for the rest of my days, thanking God for all His goodness to us, that still would not be enough.
---Grannie in Heidi
Johanna Spyri的Heidi是我最鍾愛的小說之一,閱讀這本小說幾次了,仍是喜愛有加。Johanna Spyri筆下的人物都是善良極了,讓人沉醉在美好良善的世界裡。這一本書以阿爾卑斯山為背景。其中寫景寫人的句子真是好美。
It's the sun's way of saying goodnight to the mountains. He spreads that beautiful light over them so that they won't forget him till he comes back in the morning.
例如Heidi再度回到爺爺的身邊,她的信仰和信念改變了Uncle Alp,他說出了以下的話語:
It's good to feel at peace with God. It was a good day when God sent you to me.
我也很喜歡Dr. Classen對阿爾卑斯山的感動和喜愛:
This is certainly a wonderful place for sick minds as well as bodies. Life seems really worth living again!
Johanna Spyri成功地塑造了Heidi這個角色,閱讀這本書真是享受!