If A B C you do not know,
Before the judge you'll have to go.
If D E F you cannot say,
Bad luck is sure to come your way.
If you forget your H J K,
You'll have misfortune all the day.
If L and M you can't say clear,
You'll have to pay a fine, I fear.
Trouble will be in store for you,
If you can't say N O P Q.
If you get stuck at R S T,
A dunce's cap your lot will be.
If you confuse a V with U,
You'll find yourself in Timbuctoo.
If over W you fall,
Beware the rod upon the wall.
If letter X you can't recall,
You'll get no food today at all.
If you find Y is hard to say,
They'll laugh at you at school today.
If Z should tie you up in knots,
They'll send you to the Hottentots.