The more we read,
the better we read and
the more we enjoy reading.
We cannot read too much
---and most of us do not read enough.
---Ben Carson
Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence:
T - Talent
H - Honesty
I - Insight
N - Nice
K - Knowledge
B - Books
I - In-Depth Knowledge
G - God
一本感人的奮鬥與成功的故事。讓我們看到"Education is the only way you're ever going to escape poverty. It's the only way you're ever going to get ahead in life and be successful."及母愛能改變一切的實證。
Ben Carson(a pediatric neurosurgeon)從閱讀與少看電視徹底改變一生的路,並強調吸收知識及活用知識的重要性。他的故事很有說服力,讓人看到一個人若是肯努力與進取,有眼光,謙虛與奉獻,則能脫離貧困,走上康莊大道。
欣賞Ben Carson的觀察力、慈悲心與同理心。他懂得感謝,不自傲。他的好品格與高度的修養更是成功的關鍵。