這一期的Reader's Digest,仍是充滿一貫的感性和知性,很好看!
(1) "For the Love of Books"敘述愛書的Kiswanti (from West Java)因為深信
(A) Reading the books allowed me to be anywhere in the world I wanted to be.
(B) Books can make you smart and open your eyes.
(2) "Deafening Asia"則對到處充斥的噪音提出警訊:
(A) Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to permanent loss of
hearing, poor health, anxiety or heart conditions.
(B) Young people are giving priority to sensational enjoyment of music, ignoring
the danger of potential hearing loss.
會人士要加強「護耳」了。Turn down the volume (music/radio), please.
(3) "Dirty Work: Life and death in Appalachia's coal country"則道出礦工的艱辛和坎坷的未來。
(4) "Putting the Pieces Together"一文指出正在進行的許多阿茲海默症
(Alzheimer's)相關研究,為治療這個terminal disease帶來可喜的曙光。這篇文章用了許多譬喻說明揭開阿茲海默症的歷程,文筆美極了!
(5) "10 Ways to Make Better Decisions"則是很受用的一篇文章,十個下決定的重要原則很值得參考。
(6) "This Won't Hurt a Bit"則報導牙科醫學及設備的最新資訊。文中提到"Improving your dental health improves your overall health, too."要更重視牙醫保健才行。