Reader's Digest, November 2007這一期的Reader's Digest讓我受益頗多,
(1) "How I Saved My Own Life"一文中體重超重的Denise Armstrong在身體出現警訊時,痛下決心減肥,她提醒自己:When I get to urge to eat something bad, I remind myself that I want to live.她利用飲食控制、調製糖尿病食譜、慢跑,將每天攝取的熱量控制在1,800卡以內。她的毅力及家人及朋友的支持終於讓她擺脫糖尿病的夢魘。減重成功的她贏得健康,也找回自信。
(2) "The Secret Men Won't Admit"一文指出男生的憂鬱症的徵候並不容易察覺,因為"Their sadness and helplessness are hidden behind a mask of anger."。
(3) "Lost and Found"介紹韓籍影星Yunjin Kim在Hollywood主演"Lost"而聲名大噪。Yunjin Kim的一些想法我很認同:
In starting something, even though you may encounter many obstacles and no one can predict the results, you need to do your best and move toward your goals.
Once you make a decision, never doubt yourself, and make it work.
Yunjin Kim的成功並非偶然!
(4) "5 Surprising Reasons to Get More Sleep",提到充足睡眠的益處:
* It could make you thinner.
* It could boost your memory.
* It can fight colds, ulcers and even cancer.
* It can slow down ageing.
* It could keep you orderly.