(1) Writing a journal:
Kelly Clarkson的母親勸她"You got to write in a journal."藉由書寫Kelly抒發情緒也練就寫歌詞的功力。
(2) Giving encouragement:
Kelly Clarkson決定當歌手是因為中學的一場表演之後,有位祖父級的男子告訴她"God has given you this gift. You've got to sing. You're destined to sing.",一番鼓勵的話造就了一位歌手的一生。
(3) Putting yourself in the other person's shoes:
Kelly Clarkson為自己的CDh的曲風及選曲據以力爭:"It's people my age who listen to it. My gut hasn't been wrong yet, so why whouldn't I continue to follow it?"
欣賞一下Kelly Clarkson的歌聲 (one of the best pop voices in the world right now!) 吧!