2007年9月23日 星期日

More Be-good-to-yourself Therapy

More Be-good-to-yourself Therapy.jpg
More Be-good-to-yourself Therapy

Give them a thought:

1. 如果你無法讓別人了解你的觀點,試著去了解他們的觀點,或許你所說的
When you can't get others to understand your point of view, try to understand theirs. Maybe what you're saying and what they're hearing are not the same. Understand can begin from either side.
2. 如果別人的成功令你沉默、不安或變得吹毛求疵,檢視自己背後的動機,別人的成功並不會遮蔽你的光芒,你的人生不是一場和他人的競賽。
If someone's success makes you silent, uneasy, or critical, examine what's behind your reaction. You are not diminished when others succeed. Your life is not a competition with them.

