2015年3月24日 星期二


TED_441_What does the liver do? 
TED_442_Think your email's private? Think again 
TED_443_4 lessons I learned from taking a stand against drugs and gun violence 
TED_444_Can we eat to starve cancer? 
TED_445_The hidden risks of sitting 
TED_446_In praise of macro-yes, macro-finance in Africa 
TED_447_Why the buildings of the future will be shaped by ... you 
TED_448_How do dogs “see” with their noses? 
TED_449_Play this game to come up with original ideas 
TED_450_How to manage for collective creativity 
TED_451_How an obese town lost a million pounds 
TED_452_A brief history of melancholy 
TED_453_I was held hostage for 317 days. Here’s what I thought about… 
TED_454_The good news about PMS 
TED_455_Teach teachers how to create magic 
TED_456_Paper beats plastic? How to rethink environmental folklore? 
TED_457_Can we create new senses for humans? 
TED_458_What if 3D printing was 100x faster? 
TED_459_The real story behind Archimedes’ Eureka! 
TED_460_How does the thyroid manage your metabolism? 

2015年3月5日 星期四



TED_421_What does the liver do? 
TED_422_The mathematics of love 
TED_423_A word game to communicate in any language 
TED_424_Why Shakespeare loved iambi pentameter 
TED_425_The case for emotional hygiene 
TED_426_How children trauma affects health across a lifetime 
TED_427_For these women, reading is a daring act 
TED_428_How to go to space, without having to go to space 
TED_429_Why are some people left-handed? 
TED_430_The little problem I had renting a house 
TED_431_See invisible motion, hear silent sounds. Cool? Creepy? We can’t decide 
TED_432_What you don't know about marriage 
TED_433_How our microbes make us who we are 
TED_434_The Power of Hard Immunity 
TED_435_How does cancer spread through the body 
TED_436_A magic search for a coincidence 
TED_437_How we found the worst place to park in New York City-using big data 
TED_438_Don't Just Follow Your Passion: A Talk for Generation Y 
TED_439_The problem with “tickle-down techonomics” 
TED_440_What can save the rainforest? Your used cell phone 

2015年3月2日 星期一



1. 能利用上下文推敲字義 
2. 能利用上文找出代名詞的指涉 
3. 能以意群流暢閱讀 
4. 能參照圖文理解文意 
5. 能綜合歸納篇章主旨 
6. 能掌握文章的細節 
7. 能就文本內容進行推論 
8. 能比較 能比較不同的訊息或觀點 
